Saturday, November 27, 2010

Coming home [ANGEL-TAKA]

We've now come homeー音譜

In traffic jams today from the morning on


Sleepy, and

Moving around the spaceship in a huff

We went and took some pictures~アップ

Myself, taken by my own shaking hand 目

Today's photography session was me, Kyou and Yamato; the three of us

Aside from Yamato, we all came a bit late, such stress-less geezers... sorry about thatグッド!

How can the tale of our three-man photography session have such an explosive feeling叫び
It's kind of a "looking forward to it" feelingニコニコ

So, after the photography session we went to the instrument store and stuff

Oh 音譜
A figure of YAMATO seriously on the search for something 音譜

Preparing for the tour, and

Doing the Beat Shuffle phone performance

While thinking, it's just like Space Battleship Yamato~ビックリマーク

Coming home early

Have to do the December tour and the stuff for next year, have to

From now until the middle of the night, againはてなマーク
On to morningはてなマーク

We're gonna (mumblemumble)!!... or something (^O^)/

(Translator's Note: While I may not have translated this entry very well, rest assured that it was just as disjointed and nonsensical in the original.)

After Photographing [ANGEL-TAKA]

Just a bit of wandering 音譜

And then there's Kan [YAMATO]

I guess you could say I look like an X-man.

Those two handsome guys [YAMATO]

Looks like the King of Fighters has appeared!

I love cameras [YAMATO]

But I'm the not-so-talkative YAMATO ( ´ ▽ ` ) 

I went and got photographed~!

That handsome guy.

Friday, November 26, 2010

A notice [ANGEL-TAKA]

Hey! Hope you enjoy the Air Check! (I haven't used that word in a while, huh...)

The ANGEL-TAKA phone interview音譜

FM NACK5(79.5MHz) BEAT SHUFFLE 18:00-19:50

You can listen to the interview (except for the music) via streaming radio, too.
For more information, please look at the program's home page.

【Home Page】

Rehearsal's over [KYOU-SAMA]

I drank after eating, then got drunk. (laughs)

So happy +。(*′∇`)。+゚

If I'm happy now, I'll be happy tomorrow too. So, in order to be happy tomorrow, today I'll live it up! thinks the heavy drinker, I guess. ニコニコ

If I have a hangover tomorrow, I'll be in hell and forget all about it. (laughs)

Good night.

I hope that everyone is happy, too. 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Look out!! The second time [YAMATO]

In my last post, it really looked like I stopped in the middle of writing, but that was what I meant to do. 'Cuz I was daring myself.

My apologies.

Which reminds me, ever since we came to Kyou's house, there's something that's been a big hit the whole time...

They're selling it at a nearby vending machine.

And the result of continuing to drink it for a year and a half...

Somehow my nose has gotten better!!


Writing music [YAMATO]

"You can cram more dreams into an empty head;" I've chanted that 30 times today.


Everything's gone out and I'm empty

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I want to eat curry udon [KYOU-SAMA]

And so I made some.

Today, I put some firm tofu in with the normal spices, so it was udon topped with curry tofu.

The trick is to make it extremely spicy, and then add a little to the noodles' broth.

And thus, this time it really is good night.


Deserted islands seem fun.

I want to go fishing.

B-Class Gourmet [KYOU-SAMA]

Saying that, is it unusual cooking, or rather some sort of impact-worthy thought-provoking match that I took part in? While thinking that I sleep.

I'm going to sleep!

I wanna eat Ohkita 's tempura udon...

Good night.

(Translator's Note: The first line in the original post made absolutely no sense to me, so please bear with my shoddy translation.)

Somehow seems like nothing but fire-engines [KYOU-SAMA]

The sound of the sirens is scary.